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Brussel Sprouts with Italian dressing & Roasted Red Peppers

Brussel Sprouts with Italian Dressing and Roasted Red Peppers

  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Good Seasonings Italian Dressing
  • Roasted Red Peppers cut into small strips
  • Cook brussel sprouts in microwave with a little water until tender but still slightly firm
  • Mix Good Seasonings Italian Dressing according to instructions on package.
  • Place hot brussel sprouts and Roasted Red Peppers in a plastic bag and pour the dressing over them.
  • Seal bag and store in the refrigerator until cold. Shake the bag occasionally to distribute dressing over brussel sprouts.
  • Place in bowl to serve.


Bagpipe Reeds

It has been a while since I ordered bagpipe reeds. I tend to protect my reeds and play them over a long period of time. When I started  playing, I was taught to  select a chanter reed with a “crow”, and how to make reed adjustments as necessary. My first instructor played strong reeds, but Jimmy McIntosh taught me that strong reeds were not necessary and he became my source for hand-made quality reeds. Alas, my box  dwindled as I’ve shared them with friends and replaced my own over the years. A few months ago, I was attempting to help a friend select an appropriate reed for his Naille chanter and at the same time, get some reeds for my McCallum. The Pipers Dojo recommended a couple for the McCallum, and I trust the voice of experience. But, not being able to blow and select (online ordering), introduces the question: what does “medium” mean from one reed maker to another?  As I explored this topic, I found a helpful post on the Selection Process for Highland Bagpipe Reeds, which I hope you will find helpful as well.